Thursday, 19 March 2015

First Semester Done! The ups and downs...

I must say, coming home is one of the best feelings. After being away at university for the last four months it is so nice to be home in my old bed again and with my lovely family. While for the next 4 years I study to become a Math and History high school teacher I will spend a large majority of my time living in a different city, it still seems that this right now is my home...and that being in that big city is just a temporary thing. Hmm...but, I have done so much these past couple of months. Being away from home, away from everything I know so well has pushed me so far out of my comfort zone. So, as a record of some of my first experiences and impressions, and maybe as a bit of help for some of you, here are just some of the lessons I've learnt from semester 1.

1. Find a group of amazing, inspiring and awesome friends.
People who you want to be around, who you want to share your ups and downs with, who you are not afraid to be silly around, who encourage you.

2. University exams are hard.
This semester I was lucky. Only two exams, Math and Greek History. During study week I thought I was doing fine and I was getting though my workload just as I did at high school. However first mistake: as the first test drew closer I just wanted to get it over and done with and decided that I had done enough work for it. So...I stoped actively studying and occasionally just read through my notes. Bad mistake. The history exam was so much more harder than I had expected and I very nearly didn't even finish. I had extra time to study but I didn't take it and that cost me. Luckily I learnt my mistake in time for the math test and did not let the boredom of studying get the better of me. But, please don't let this little story scare you. Uni is great, Honest!

3. Don't choose back-to-back classes that are on opposite sides of the campus
If you're like me and get just a tad bit stressed, make sure you have enough time to get between classes. There was maybe a couple of times where I walked into a lecture after the professor had  started...complete with that guilty look on my face.

4. Do Your Readings. All of them. Now!
During my first few weeks I was on one of those 'freshmen motivation highs' and so kept up so well with my readings and revision. can guess what happened next. As much as I said I would be focused the entire term, it was not to be. I did last around 5 weeks before I started to slack off, but what I have learnt is how helpful keeping track of your readings really is when it comes to studying for finals or putting together an assessment item. It makes it so much easier and less stressful when you already have the notes. Also, for next year I'll be setting up an app to remind me to do my readings. Hopefully it will keep me on track this time!

5. Learn how to reference properly at the start of semester, not two hours before your assignment is due!
This is pretty self explanatory and like the last point it makes a big difference in terms of lowering stress levels.

6. Call home all the time
Home, makes everything better. Call the people who love you constantly. It will put you on a huge high, even when you think the day could not get any worse.

University is hard and its a lot of work, but it's totally worth it!

Love, TVT